Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Secret Perpetual War in Somalia

Rueters, in a recent article has reported that since the year 2007, the U>S> has maintained a force of 120 men in Somalia without the knowledge of the American people, or a declaration of war. While no one familiar with recent history will be surprised by this it does raise some very salient points.

Firstly, note the bipartisan nature of this constitutionally illegal act. Clearly, in spite of whatever minor disagreements exists between the state socialist party of envy, the democrats, and the state capitalists party of greed the republicans, they are united in their globalism and contempt for the rule of law.

Secondly, one has to ask what possible good has come from this intervention and what American interests has been advanced by the presence of American forces? The Failed state of Somalia is still a failed state. The piracy continues and nothing has changed.

Thirdly, one has to observe the proliferation of these interventions over the last century. In the "banana wars" of the 20s and 30s the interventions were short. Since WW2 the number and length of these has exploded. American troops have been in Europe, and Korea for nearly 70 years. our presence in Iraq, and Afghanistan seem to have no end.

It is unlikely this could have gone on if these interventions had been made under legal Constitutional
oversight. These interventions have not benefited America but have killed its sons and squandered its
treasures. The state socialist support them because they lead to global government. The State Capitalists because they lead to war profits. For the American people they led to Free trade serfdom and for the soldier to a gloryless, pointless grave.

The time has come to muzzle our political class once again with the restraint of the Constitution.

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