Moral degeneracy in Weimar Germany led to Nazism. What will ours lead to? |
In addition the Boy Scouts have made it clear that they are going to admit open Sodomites into it's ranks.
No doubt many will prove their\" tolerance" by sending their children off to be molested, while most will
simply withdraw from the organization leading to its demise.
One would think the logic of turning someone attracted to young men loose on a group of young men
would smack of insanity. Imagine what the reaction would be if a normal man was trying to lead a girl scout pack. What would their reaction be then?
Well we live in a Post-Christian, Post-moral, and Post-rational society. I guess for the masses, as long as they have their pot, football, and Obamacare all is well. Pass the Joint and turn up the Miley Cyrus.
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