Though it has received minimal press attention in the U.S.(its not about Kim and Kanye,Football or Mandela the New York Times reports on the situation in the Ukraine. Mass crowds singing and flying Ukrainian flags erected barricades and tore down
the cities large statue of Lenin.
the situation in the Ukraine is one of momentous importance for the west and
the free World. This Sunday, (Dec. 7th) hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians
citizens took to the street to protest against the rule of Viktor Yanukovych, Putin's
Neo-Soviet backed client. As
In rejecting Yanukovych's rejection of increasing ties with
the European Union and the west, the people of the Ukraine are reasserting the independence
they overwhelmingly voted for when declared independence from the Soviet Union.
Putin, who no doubt yearns to bring the Ukraine, the former jewel in the crown
of the Soviet empire has done everything in his power to bring it back into the
Soviet Empire. He has help corrupt the electoral process and attempted to
strong arm Ukraine by cutting off its natural gas supplies.
Today millions of Ukrainians of All ages and classes are in
the streets asserting their desire to retain their countries independence from
Putin and His revanchist dreams of empire. They should have the prayers and
goodwill of freemen everywhere. Having defeated both Nazi and Soviet oppression
they have earned the right to retain their freedom. The victory of The
Ukrainian people over Putin and his sock-puppet Yanukovych will be a hammer
blow to Putin's dreams of empire.
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