Enter the story of Rudy Johnson QB for Winston-Salem State. at a "celebration Luncheon" for his team and Virginia State players he was attacked and "viciously beaten" by at least five and possibly more,Virginia State players and was, most critically, "unable to play". This is only the latest chapter in the long saga of criminality perpetuated by College and Professional athletes in todays America.
There are lessons to be learned from this. One is that it is ridiculous to pretend that College Athletics today have anything to do with College and Education. At one time College athletes were students who happened to be amateur athletes. Today they are Merely athletes who have to go through the Charade of being students to play.
The Coddling of athletes in America, which in some places, like Texas begins in Elementary school,

This of course only harms the athletes and those who sadly have them for role models. The real harm is the hypnotic effect that athletics seem to hold over humans. This is nothing new . one need only look at the Gladiatorial Contests of ancient Rome and Chariot racing. Gladiators became the heroes of the day, (even though contra Spartacus most of them were criminals and army deserters who were sentenced to enslavement as gladiators.) In the Chariot races fanatical fans often rioted and two teams the Blues and the Greens became the most popular, so much so that they became representatives of political factions. As is noted in Wikipedia
"Adopting the color of their favorite charioteers was a way fans showed their loyalty to that particular racer or faction Many of the young men in the fan clubs, or factions, adopted extravagant clothing and hairstyles, such as billowing sleeves, "Hunnic" hair-styles, and "Persian" facial hair. There is evidence that these young men were the faction members most prone to violence and extreme factional rivalry.[ Some scholars have tried to argue that the factional rivalry and violence was a result of opposing religious or political views, but more likely the young men simply identified strongly with their faction for group solidarity. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chariot_racing

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